bbit bbit and belle belle
The 1st one was my sis birthday present from her colleague last year. Until now, i still object the idea of giving out pet as a gift. You can never know how much commitment will the owner-to-be is willing to provide and hey! that's a life, and not just a pencil case or photo frame where u can simply just leave aside. But not to my surprise, since we are all pet lovers so both my bro and sis love this bbit bbit like loving their own son and nephew!
The 2nd rabbit was found by my bro's friend in his car park. I quite disagree with bringing her back home at 1st but my bro insisted to give bbit bbit a companion. While feeding her, we discovered this HUGGGGE lump in her troat, exactly the same place as our bbit bbit used to have but MMMUCHHHH larger. So the reason y the ex-owner disowned her is pretty clear by now. We were very angry with the ex-owner's attitude. How immoral! I really dont understand y some ppl can be so cruel. It can be done by a simple surgery and it doesnt even cost alot. When they brought bbit bbit to the vet after they 1st discovered the lump, they were told that it was just the accumulation of pus and this phenomena is very normal for rabbit since their pus is sticky thick.
After i knew the sad case, my love was poured upon her tremendously. tee-hee!
Labels: pet-lover
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